It all adds up
To a safer community for all of us.
The Muskegon Area Medication Disposal Program (MAMDP) is a collaborative of several community organizations that have come together so that residents of Muskegon County and surrounding communities would have a place to safely dispose of unused and expired medications and sharps.
Proper disposal of medication helps promote a healthy community. By removing unused medication from your home, you can reduce your likelihood for burglary along with reducing the chance for meds to be misused. There are environmental benefits too! By not flushing or throwing away your medication, you save the environment and water supply from contamination.
We are celebrating our 13th year with collection totals of over 24 tons of medications that have been safely destroyed since 2010. The program is making an impact and a change in behavior for our area residents on how they dispose of their medications and sharps. We have grown to be one of the largest take back events for the State of Michigan according to past Michigan DEA reports.
What are we doing to help people properly dispose of unwanted medications?
Take Back Event
Saturday, April 22nd 2023 from 10:00AM to 2:00PM
Norton Shores Fire Department
1100 E. Pontaluna Rd.
Norton Shores, MI 49444

Results from October 29, 2022 Take Back Event
The Muskegon Area Medication Disposal Program (MAMDP) held its Fall event on Saturday, October 29th in Muskegon Township with over 84 participants who dropped off more than 1,887 pounds of medication overall (1 ton). Approximately 38 pounds of both controlled substance and unknown medications were turned in as well as 800 pounds of sharps turned in. In addition to the one-day take back numbers, the team collected about 692 pounds from community and retail pharmacies and over 863 pounds were collected from permanent law enforcement collection boxes.
Results from October 24, 2020 Take Back Event
We collected over 1,887 lbs of unused and expired medications and over 800 lbs of sharps that have been safely disposed!
Controlled Medicine Drop Box Program
Muskegon County residents now have access to an expanded disposal options offering safe, convenient collection and environmentally responsible disposal of controlled medications.
Residents may dispose of their unwanted or expired controlled medications into secure drop-boxes at the following law enforcement agencies during normal business hours.
Properly disposing of unwanted medications.
“We continue to provide the one-day take back events in conjunction with the national DEA events to capitalize on the public awareness of properly disposing unwanted medications,” said Sheriff, Michael Poulin, Co-Chair of the MAMDP initiative. “After each of the one-day events, our team evaluates if they are still necessary, and this last one certainly proved we should keep going.”
The MAMDP initiative was started in 2010. Since then, they’ve hosted several events per year and established permanent collection boxes at all Muskegon area law enforcement departments and several local pharmacies. To date, the group has collected nearly 24 tons of materials. The Muskegon initiative has received national attention in the 2015 National Drug Control Strategy and listed as a best practice by the White House for Community Benefit projects.
Please download this flyer for other medication disposable location sites.
MAMDP Daily Drop Off Flyer
What to bring
- Prescription Drugs and Narcotics
- Over the counter medicine like ibuprofen
- Medication samples, ointments, and lotions
- Vitamins
- Even pet medication!
- Sharps/needles (keep in a sealed and safe container)
- Vape Devices
What should I leave at home?
- Sunscreen and skin, or personal care products
- Anything containing body fluid or blood!
- Household Hazardous waste (paint, oil, gas)
- Aerosol Cans
- Insect repellents
- Anything that you can throw away in your own garbage
Expired or unused controlled substances:
Fruitport Police Department
5825 Airline Rd. Fruitport, MI 49415 / 231-865-8477
Northside – 2006 Holton Rd Suite 100, Muskegon / 231-672-3333
Montague Police Department
8778 Ferry St. Montague, MI 49437 / 231-893-0810
Muskegon County Sheriff Road Patrol Offices
1611 Oak Ave. Muskegon, MI 49442 / 231-724-6259
Muskegon Heights Police Department
2715 Baker St. Muskegon Hts, MI 49444 / 231-733-8900
Muskegon Police Department
980 Jefferson St. Muskegon, MI 49440 / 231-724-6750
Muskegon Township Police Department
1990 Apple Ave. Muskegon, MI 49442 / 231-777-1666
North Muskegon Police Department
1114 Ruddiman Dr. N. Muskegon, MI 49445 / 231-744-4313
Norton Shores Police Department
4814 Henry St. Norton Shores, MI 49441 / 231-733-2691
Roosevelt Park Police Department
900 Oak Ridge Rd. Muskegon, MI 49441 / 231-755-3721
Whitehall Police Department
405 E. Colby St. Whitehall, MI 49461 / 231-894-2317
Retail Pharmacy Drop Off
Benson’s Drug SavMor #17*
961 Spring St. Muskegon, MI 49442 / 231-722-2861
Muskegon Family Care
2201 Getty St. Muskegon, MI 49444 / 231-193-9315 x 1643
Mercy Health Partners' Retail Pharmacy Drop Off
Trinity Health Muskegon Hospital*
1500 East Sherman Blvd. Garden Level P-200, Muskegon / 231-672-2000
Hackley Professional Pharmacy*
1675 Leahy St. Suite #111 Muskegon, MI 49442 / 231-728-5888
Lakes Village
6401 Prairie Street, Suite #1100 Muskegon, MI 49444 / 231-727-7968
Sherman Pavilion
1150 E. Sherman Blvd. Suite #1400 Muskegon, MI 49444 / 231-672-7823
North Muskegon
2006 Holton Rd. Suite 100 North Muskegon 231-672-3333
Benson’s Drug Sav-Mor #17
961 Spring Street, Muskegon, MI
Hackley Family Care
2201 Getty Street, Muskegon Heights, MI
Norton Shores
3570 Henry Street, Suite 100 Norton Shores, MI
*Sharps will also now be accepted in a proper sharps container at the Benson’s Drug Sav-Mor #17 and the Hackley Professional Pharmacies ONLY.
Current news and articles on medication disposal
The Muskegon Channel – April 26, 2022
Muskegon Area Medication Disposal Program in Norton Shores
Mlive Article – April 07, 2021
Safely Dispose of Medication and Needles at Muskegon County Event
Mlive Article – October 24, 2019
Bring your unused medications to this disposal event in Muskegon
Mlive Article – April 26, 2019
Combatting the Opioid Epidemic
City of Muskegon – April 25, 2019
Mlive Article – April 27, 2017
Bring your unused medications to this disposal event in Muskegon
Mlive Article – October 28, 2017
57 pounds of unneeded medications collected, center continues drug take-back
Mlive Article – October 17, 2016
Safely dispose of medication, sharps at upcoming Muskegon drop-off event
MLive Article – April 28, 2016
Medication, sharps disposal event this weekend
Muskegon Chronicle Online Article (April 13, 2015 at 3:14 PM) :
Local authorities aim to prevent drug misuse, contamination during take-back event
Muskegon Chronicle Online – September event:
Medication drop-off event collects nearly 2,000 pounds of Medication in Muskegon County
Department of Public Health
Ottawa County, Michigan, Medication and Sharps Disposal
Wood TV8 Interview with Emily Linnert April 2014
Statewide Resources
Prescription Drug
Opioid Prescribing Engagement Network (OPEN)
OPEN Michigan
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)
Residential Drug Disposal Guidelines
Michigan Antibiotic Resistance Reduction Coalition
Antibiotic resistance may be the most important infectious disease threat of our time.
Michigan DNRE
Michigan’s Waste – Proper Waste Management
What to Do with Used Sharps in Michigan
National Resources
White House Drug Policy
Proper Disposal of Prescription Drug
U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Sponsors & Volunteers
New Community Sponsor Highlight: OPEN Michigan
Sharps Sponsor: Hospital Network Healthcare Services
A very special thank you to our sponsors. We would not be here for our community without your support!
A huge thank you to all of our volunteers who took their time to greet, run, sort, count, record, and safely box the medications and sharps. We could not hold these events without your participation.
Carrie Uthe
Carrie is Co-Chair for the Muskegon Area Medication Disposal Program. She has served in the role of Chair or Co-Chair for the past 14 years. Carrie previously worked for the local Physician Hospital Organization (PHO) for twenty years when she co-lead the development of the Muskegon Area Medication Disposal Program (MAMDP) in 2009.
In 2015, Carrie was part of a select members of the MAMDP team to be recognized by Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA). The MAMDP program was recognized by The White House as one of the first successful hospital and community partnerships. Promoting ONDCP’s National Drug Control Strategy for successful coordination with the interaction of law enforcement, public health, and the community in creating new opportunities for a safer environment through education and take back programs.
She earned a B.S. Liberal Studies of Health and Business Administration Degree from Grand Valley State University, Therapeutic Recreation Associate Degree, and Associate in Applied Science degree from Moraine Valley College. Her senior thesis at GVSU focused on the effect that prescription medications have on our watershed systems, patient safety and health. She is one of the founding members of MAMDP and played a fundamental role in developing the program.
Sheriff, Michael Poulin
Sheriff Michael Poulin is Co-Chair of the Muskegon Area Medication Disposal Program and has served on the committee since 2009. He has been instrumental in coordinating the law enforcement teams and community groups. In 2016, Sheriff Poulin was elected as Sheriff, currently serving his second term. He has over 35 years of law enforcement experience, with the past 33 years spent at the Sheriff’s Office.
Sheriff Poulin is a graduate of Grand Valley State University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. Sheriff Poulin is a graduate of Northwestern University Center for Public Safety; Police Staff and Command and Executive Management Programs, where he earned the “Public Safety Executive Leadership Award” from Northwestern University. Sheriff Poulin also graduated from the 149th session of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia in 2012.
Sheriff Poulin has served in many roles and programs such as the Tactical Commander for the Muskegon County Emergency Response Team and the United Nations Development Program and the
State of Kuwait. He has received two Governor Traffic Safety Advisory Commission awards and ten awards for Excellence in Traffic Safety from the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police.
Thank you for all of our community support!
Coalition Members
City of Muskegon Police Department
Health Project
Mercy Health Muskegon and Mercy Health Pharmacy
Muskegon County Sheriff’s Office
Norton Shores Police Department
Community Partners
CALL 2-1-1
City of Muskegon
City of Norton Shores
Coalition for a Drug Free Muskegon County
Lakeshore Regional Entity (LRE)
Muskegon County Public Works- HHW Program
Muskegon Fire Department
Norton Shores Fire Department
Opiate Taskforce
Public Health – Muskegon County
Senior Resources
New Community Partner
Sharps Sponsor:
Hospital Network Healthcare Services
A very special thank you to our sponsors.
We would not be here for our community without your support!
A huge thank you to all of our volunteers who take their time to greet, run, sort, count, record, and safely box the medications and sharps. We could not hold these events without your participation.