Look. We get it…. Adults don’t always understand the vape or drug scene. The fact is, almost no one really does, so you need to be super careful about what you hear or see about vaping. We’re here to connect you with true data, helpful resources that offer anonymous help via text, phone, or email if you ever need it.

What you do that hurts your body, not only hurts you, but hurts those around you. How would you feel hearing that you needed to get a lung transplant at 18 years old? What would your family think?
Think of the cost: $6 – $20 per vape/day x 7 days a week = $42 – $140/ week = $168 – $560/ month = $8,736 – $29,120/ year.
I don’t want to cough all the time.

Did you know there is a movement of youth encouraging others to remain smoke/vape free? Youth all over the country are participating in movements to encourage their peers to never start or to quit vaping. Muskegon youth participated in a national Take Down Tobacco Day event this year by posting on social media reasons that they do not vape.
If you are interested in assisting knowsmoke with its efforts, please contact us through our Facebook page.
Welcome to the “Quit vaping. Keep Living Campaign”. We’re glad you are here! The goal of our ads and social media efforts are to connect you to this youth-focused Knowsmoke page. The page connects you with links to websites that will help you learn the reasons why vaping is an unhealthy choice and resources to help you quit. It only takes 10 seconds for the nicotine to reach your brain and with one pod equaling to 1 pack, the chance of addiction can sneak up on you.
If you find that you are in too deep as the ad says there is a way out!